A Little Bit About Us
About Justine - Owner of Red Bred
I was raised on a farm in Alberta. Involved in 4-H, the showing and caring for animals, from dogs, chickens, goats, sheep, to cows, and the raising and nurturing of animals has always been a way of life.
I know that life just isn’t the same if you don’t have a critter to love and love you back. My children, though not raised on a farm, are also gaining this experience as they are heavily involved in caring for and loving our furry companions.
My breeding program began with Zion who became my personal support companion after undergoing brain surgery. She helped me get through some very difficult days, as well as my four children, which helped inspire a desire to breed dogs that could provide support for others. Zion continues to be a support to our family. Besides Zion, my guardian home dogs are themselves emotional support dogs for their families.
Puppy Health
Understanding that the puppy you bring into your family becomes a loved family member, all of my dogs have been genetically tested through Paw Prints Genetics. This is to be armed with the knowledge needed to properly match and breed my dogs so your puppy will not inherit congenitally genetic diseases that may cause issues later on, and give you added assurance for you investment. All puppies genetics have been cleared through parentage.
If you would like your puppy individually tested though Paw Print DNA, we would be happy to accommodate this for the additional cost of the test. You will receive a copy of your puppy’s DNA results along with their veterinarian record.
Red Bred’s Paw Prints DNA info can be found on this webpage.
Our Breeding Program
All of my breeding dogs, with the exception of my own 2 dogs, are placed in guardian homes.
A guardian home is where puppies that have been chosen to be future parents are placed in their forever family. The dogs get a wonderful life with families who love them, and the families get loving companions. Puppies are born at my home, raised using neurological stimulation, brain developing music, socialized, fed a premium puppy food and given preliminary potty training. Puppies will come to you vaccinated, microchipped and have received reproductive sterilization to ensure ethical breeding.
Genetics: Puppies and Parents
We believe in genetic testing! Primarily and foremost for congenital diseases, but also for coat traits. All of our breeding dogs have also been genetically tested through Paw Prints allowing us to ensure we are not improperly breeding dogs that will pass on congenital diseases that could become expensive issues for you down the road. A link to our paw prints genetic profile has been provided for you above so that you can see our dogs specific genetic profile.
While no dog, not even a poodle, is guaranteed to be “hypoallergenic” poodles and mixes with a high percentage of poodle, such as our F1BB Goldendoodles, shed less fur and produce less dander and saliva which can trigger allergies in some people. It also ensures our dogs are extremely low to non-shedding and also means our puppies have both sets of furnishings, giving your puppy that adorable teddy bear look.
If you are someone who suffers from animal allergies we offer a solution. Using fabric or a small blanket we ensure that the dog’s skin cells and saliva come into contact with the fabric. This can then be mailed to you to see if and how you will react to the specific puppy you’re hoping to bring home.
Genetic diversity tends to be more limited in purebreds, which is not an issue so long as the breeder knows the temperament, history and health of their dogs. Purebreds where created over many years by selecting specific dogs with specific traits for specific purposes and breeding to bring out these characteristics. While knowing the temperament, history, and health is still important with doodles, mixing poodles with others breeds, in my opinion, adds diversity into the gene pool, which adds strength and vigour. In reality this is how All breeds were created in the fist place.
The Goldendoodle
Though they need an energy outlet, goldendoodles are very loving and sweet! They are a playful and athletic breed but are also known for being patient, affectionate, emotionally intuitive, good with kids, and loving unconditionally. They thrive on human interaction and desire to please, making them wonderful family pets. However, because a goldendoodle is a mix of two different dogs, sometimes you will get more of a poodle’s temperament (which is wonderful) and sometimes you will get more of the golden retriever’s (which is also wonderful).
Originating In Scotland as a hunter and retriever, golden retrievers are now commonly used as therapy and service dogs, in drug and arson detection, and as wonderful companions.
The poodle is one of the oldest breeds. The poodle has a rich heritage. This dignified breed has historically been used as a hunting dog for water foul, Puddle dog morphed into poodle dog.
While dignified, the poodle breed is not what Disney has made them out to be; poodles are the complete opposite of snooty. They are a playful, fun, loyal, emotionally intuitive, affectionate, desire to please, agile, and athletic. They are known for being smart and can learn commands and tricks. This is why the gypsies began training them to be circus dogs. In fact it is thought that the average poodle understands as much vocabulary as a 2 1/2 year old human.
Poodles make great watchdogs and will alert you as to visitors and strangers. My dogs personally will alert me, and I like this, but they are not aggressive, and do not bark just for the sake of barking. However, they can be trained to not alert you if this is your preference.
We only breed F1bb goldendoodles meaning these puppies have a high percent of poodle (85%), and we don’t breed multigenerational doodles. This is because we wish to sustain the integrity of our goldendoodles through the poodle genetics. Not using multi-generational lines of doodles gives you the best insurance for non shedding and hypoallergenic coat traits.
Colours and Patterns We Offer
Our main focus has been to bring out the rare red/apricot colour but we will also occasionally get a cream or black puppy with beautiful red highlighting ( which can be seen when the light hits their coat just right) depending on our Momma.
This fun coat variation in our dogs, comes from having only one copy of the parti genetic. It is a solid coat colour with markings of white usually on the chest, forehead, paws, and tail tip.
Then there is the beautiful merle, a rare thing for our breeding program as I only have one female who carries this genetic. Our focus has been the apricot/red colouring but, its always fun when it happens. Merle takes the solid colour of the dog’s coat and lightens it in areas that creates a striking marbling effect.
My dogs are intelligent and aware of what’s going on, picking up on my emotional needs. I never have to feel lonely. I find their intuition astounding at times. If I am having a hard day and lay down, it’s not long before one of my dogs find me and quietly lay beside me. They are also watchdogs, alerting us to visitors but are not aggressive. Our breeding lines come from emotional support companions and our guardian parents have also proven to serve as emotional supports for their families.
Just like each human is unique so is each Goldendoodle. Much of a dog’s temperament not only has to do with nature but also nurture. We do our very upmost to ensure that your puppies positives qualities have been nurtured while in our home and trust that our carefully selected homes will continue the process of helping the puppy become it’s very best self.
Once the puppies are born, we begin neurological stimulation (which improves the growth and development of the puppies immune system, cardiovascular system, and stress tolerance) Additionally, our puppies listen to brain building and soothing music. By the time they leave us, they are also well on their way to being crate trained, litter trained, and have been well-loved and socialized.
Moyen–Miniature Goldendoodles
This size of goldendoodles we have chosen to breed is large miniature–moyen. This came as a result of growing up on the farm and being used to having large dogs around. However, realizing I myself did not live on a farm anymore, with the space needed for a big dog to run around and exercise, but still wanting a watchdog for my family, and a dog robust enough for my children to hug when sad, I determined that moyen-large miniature was the ideal size. A general guideline for our large Miniature/Moyen Goldendoodles are below.
Miniature Goldendoodle Weight - 15–20 lbs
Miniature Goldendoodle Height - 11–15 inches
Moyen Goldendoodle Weight - 20–30 lbs
Moyen Goldendoodle Height - 14–18 inches